Something is checking out my tent. I have the shovel ready next to me. It’s probably just a desert mouse. The original plan was to cross the Death Valley north to south in a 4 day, 3 nights trip with camping and going off road as much as possible.

As it turns out, you’re not allowed to go off road in the death Valley, and you’re not allowed to camp within two miles of any road. Since I wanted to go off road and didn’t feel like carrying all my stuff for four miles every day, I changed the plan a little and decided to do the off road part north of the Death Valley instead.

Packing Packing

As usual I got started way too late, and crossed Carson Pass in the dark. It was cold and icy, and it rained. Made for some interesting motorcycling.

Ready to go Ready to go

When I finally made it to Minden, Nevada, I was shivering and stopped at a gas station for some coffee. I chatted a bit with the attendant who gave me a free bearclaw. I haven’t been given free sweets at a shop in probably 20 years.

Warming up on the way up Carson Pass Warming up on the way up Carson Pass

After that I rode out into the desert in the dark and promptly dumped my bike. Casualties: one mirror. When I finally got it upright again (not so easy in the sand) I found a good spot and pitched my tent. I’m miles away from any human but miraculously have a cell signal.

My home in the desert My home in the desert

I need to sleep now. Not sure yet what I’ll do tomorrow.