Today I went down to Caborca (yesterday’s original destination). Nothing too interesting except some shot up trash cans.

Then took a smaller road to Tubutama. On the way there, I decided to take a break and used the shadow and the bench of a small chapel in the middle of nowhere. For reasons unknown to me, there was a used pistol cartridge on the ground in the chapel. The people from Sonora sure like to shoot.

I stayed there for an hour and a half trying to read the first few pages of Isabel Allende’s “Retrato en Sepia”, but my Spanish isn’t really up to the task yet. I only got to page two. After checking out lake Cuauhtémoc I went on to Tubutama, hoping to get something to eat. Every single shop, bar and restaurant was closed.

Lake Cuauhtémoc

Tiny Jesus on a huge cross

I rode around a bit until I found an old man who told me tat they would open at four. It was already a quarter past three, so I just slept on a bench for a while. At for, a tiny grocery store opened, but they didn’t have anything except chips and soda, and the old woman running it was very unhelpful. So I bought Mexico’s most expensive water and chips and went on to today’s destination, Magdalena.

Church in Tubutama

Cafe in Tubutama, closed

Weird statue in Tubutama

Here I’m at the most luxurious hotel of the trip so far (I see a trend here). Magdalena is pretty big and has a nice downtown, where I ate some gorditas - awesome, why did I never see that in SF?

Main square in Magdalena

The same guy from Tubutama, but in Magdalena. He must be important.

Tomorrow I’m going to try to find my way across the desert, but since I don’t have a map and the GPS doesn’t have the trails, that’s probably a stupid idea. I’m going to get some extra food and water later, just in case. If Google maps is to be trusted, it should be possible.